Interactive Copic Color Chart

Interactive Copic Color Chart

Copic markers come in hundreds of different colors. The Copic Sketch is available in every color that Copic offers, but the other types of markers have a limited color selection. The color coding system uses letters and numbers to define the color, saturation, and brightness of each marker. You can use these color codes to determine which colors blend well with one another.

We’ve created this interactive color chart to show the color selection for each type of marker. You can select a marker below and watch the color chart update before your eyes!

2020 Update: We’ve improved our interactive Copic color chart – hover over any color, and you will now see the other colors in its blending group highlighted in purple!

Scroll down to view the color chart.
Click on the pictures below to see which colors each marker is available in.

Want to learn more about the different types of Copic markers?